Dr. Hannah W. Mercier is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at Stony Brook University, where she heads an interdisciplinary rehabilitation research laboratory. Her clinical background, postdoctoral research in rehabilitation sciences, and consulting with Empower SCI, Inc. created a strong interest in psychosocial effects of spinal cord injury and treatment approaches to mitigate them. She has presented research findings at numerous national and international research and clinical meetings, and published several peer-reviewed manuscripts on these topics.
Dr. Mercier has previously received foundation and governmental funding to develop individualized mobile health interventions and address disparities in spinal cord injury community participation, depression, independence, and health self-management. She has developed Interprofessional Telehealth Education Curricula and is committed to training rehabilitation clinicians. Her current work at Stony Brook to expand and refine mobile health interventions for people with SCI is funded internally and by the Administration for Community Living at National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.