Michelle Ballan is Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the School of Social Welfare, Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine at Renaissance School of Medicine, and Director of the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and other related Disabilities Center at Stony Brook University. Her practice, research, and teaching aim to ameliorate barriers impacting people with disabilities (PWD), most notably barriers to reduce intimate partner violence.

Dr. Ballan has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations and is the Principal Investigator on numerous federal and foundation grants including a 2021 U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration grant and a Craig H. Neilsen Foundation grant. Each targets reducing health disparities for PWD through an interprofessional lens. She is the recipient of several awards including the 2020 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 2020 Switzer Distinguished Level Research Fellowship from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research.


Selected Publications on Intimate Partner Violence and Disability

Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Romanelli, M. (2021). Occupational functioning among intimate partner survivors with disabilities. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. Pub. ahead of print.
Ballan, M., Freyer, M., & Romanelli, M. (2021) Intimate partner violence, disability, and pain: A retrospective study. Journal of Family Violence. Pub. ahead of print.
Ballan, M.S., & Freyer, M. (2020). Occupational deprivation among female survivors of intimate partner violence with physical disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4), 7404345010.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Intimate partner violence and women with disabilities: The role of speech-language pathologists. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(4), 1692-1697.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2019). Addressing intimate partner violence with female patients with chronic physical disabilities: The role of physical therapists. Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1664648
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. B. (2018). Self-protection for women with disabilities experiencing intimate partner violence. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 11(2), 51-60.
Ballan, M. (2017). Intimate partner violence and women with disabilities: The public health crisis. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 10(2), 65-69.
Ballan, M.S., & Freyer, M.B. (2017). Supporting female survivors of intimate partner violence with disabilities: Recommendations for social workers in the emergency department. Social Work in Health Care, 56(10), 950-963.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice with women with disabilities: Working with survivors of intimate partner violence. Advances in Social Work, 18(1), 131-144.
Ballan, M. (2017). Special issue on domestic violence and disability. Domestic Violence Report, 22(3), 33-52.
Ballan, M., & Freyer, M. (2017). Developing a profile of survivors of intimate partner violence with disabilities: An exercise in clinical data mining. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Ballan, M., Freyer, M., Powledge, L., & Marti, N. (2016). Intimate partner violence among help-seeking Deaf women: An empirical study. Violence Against Women. doi:10.1177/1077801216664428